Interview With Law Of Attraction Expert Bob Doyle From Wealth Beyond Reason

April 25th, 2012

Bob Doyle is The Founder & CEO of Boundless Living, Inc. You may know
Bob from his appearances in the popular movie and best-selling book,
“The Secret”. Bob was one of the featured “teachers” in both. Before
“The Secret” was featured on, “The Ellen DeGeneres Show”, “Larry King
Live, and “Oprah” – Bob had written his own book called, “Wealth Beyond

Bob Doyle - Author & CEO of Boundless Living, Inc.

For years Bob had jumped around from career to career, trying
desperately to find something that provided a solid income for him and
his family, but also tapped into his sense of passion and creativity.
After 4 years at his last corporate job, he literally felt like he was
dying and made the decision to quit his job, give up his salary and
benefits, and create a business of his own.

This proved to be quite a challenging endeavor. Bob was $70,000 in debt
and had started to receive phone calls from creditors. Further, his
various attempts at creating a business that was both fun and profitable
were simply not working. Ironically, the businesses he was trying to
create were focused on helping people to live their lives by design, and
although he could “teach” these concepts, there was clearly simply a
component he was missing, as his own life clearly showed.

It was at this point, he set a new intention for himself. Instead of
putting his attention on “solving his money problems”, he instead
focused on what he truly wanted his life to look like. He created a new
inspiring vision for himself and let go of trying to “figure everything
out”, and instead decided to follow his intution into inspired action.

The dramatic change of approach eventually led him down a path to the
answers he was seeking. As a result of what he learned, he was able to
finally create a business that he loved, and was very lucrative.

Soon, he wrote his first book, “Wealth Beyond Reason“, based on his
Internet program of the same name and built up his Internet presence of to a 6 figure, and eventually a 7-figure income
and now he is helping others live the life of their dreams and own their
own terms, utilizing the same principles that facilitated the change in
his own life.

Here is our interview with Bob Doyle.

Abundant Health Center: Bob, hello. Thank you for taking your time to
speak with us today. A lot of people (I think) get confused by the
title of your book, and of course now it is an entire course, “Wealth
Beyond Reason” – but it’s really more than “material” or “physical”
wealth isn’t it? Would you mind explaining what it means to you and how
you came up with the idea to write this wonderful book?

Bob Doyle: Well, the book of course was based on our Internet curriculum
in the Law of Attraction, also called Wealth Beyond Reason. And
honestly, I wrote the book based on the material in the program because
I needed something physical to give to people at an upcoming speaking
event! I never really ever planned to write the book. It just showed up
as an inspired action to take, and I’ve definitely learned to follow
through when I get a “nudge” to do something like this.

One of the first things we do in the program and the book is help people
to define what “wealth” really means to them. Obviously, our natural
inclination is to associate wealth with the amount of money that we have
– but for the purposes of the work we do, we distill a different
definition of wealth which is, in essence, the ability to do what we
truly want to do, whenever we want to do it.

That may mean you have a lot of money and that financial abundance
facilitates your ability to live the life you want. But many people have
passions or callings that bring them great happiness and fulfillment,
but don’t necessarily require huge bank accounts.

In any case, it’s important for people to get clear on what they truly
do want – what really inspires them in a powerful way – so that they can
understand what “wealth” really means to them.

A.H.C: Was it during the time of writing the book that you started the
Bill Phillips “Body For Life Challenge”?

B.D.: Actually, the Body For Life Challenge came 2 years BEFORE I was
doing any of this work, but it was an key part of my journey, because it
was during this time that I learned a tremendous amount about what drove
people to successful results in ANY area of their lives.

A.H.C.: Isn’t this when you really started helping people achieve their
goals? Because at this time you created a website / forum for people to
come to and participate in their own “body revolution” at correct?

B.D.: Bodychangers was the result of following my newly discovered
passion for fitness – and moreover, what were the keys to success in
taking on a physique transformation. After all many more people TRY to
change their bodies dramatically than actually succeed. Bodychangers was
a study in what the successful people did. After a while I began to see
patterns among the most successful that transcended simply the diet and
exercise program they chose.

The most successful and inspiring stories on the Bodychangers web site
came from people who had an extremely powerful “WHY” with regards to
their reasons for taking on the transformation. I saw that when people
got clear that being more physically fit was going to to help them live
the lives they truly wanted – to allow them to truly be the best and
most powerful version of themselves possible – their results far
outweighed those who took on an exercise program to simply have their
jeans fit better or something similar.

A.H.C.: So, not only were you working on your body with the Bill
Phillips Challenge, but you were also learning more about personal
development in general. How did your work with BodyChangers eventually
evolve into the work you do now with Boundless Living?

B.D.: After about 2 years of interviewing around 150 people about their
physique transformation stories, I was starting to feel myself burn out
a little. I was feeling that there were common themes among the
interviews and that even if I never did another interview, the site
would still be able to help people the way I intended it to.

At the same time, I felt called to expand what I was teaching outside of
simply the fitness area – because what I learned from all those
interviews was the importance of getting clear on what inspires you –
what you’re passionate about – and who you truly want to be. It was
during that time that the name “Boundless Living” popped into my mind,
and I knew then that I wanted to start making a difference for their
lives as a whole.

When I finally had the “ah-ha” moments in my own life as to why things
weren’t working, and as a result created the Wealth Beyond Reason
program, I knew it was time to bring my work with BodyChangers to a
close and focus my attention on my work with the Law of Attraction and
following ones passion.

A.H.C.: What are some of the books that were the biggest influencers on

B.D.: The book that turned it all around for me was David Cameron
Gikandi’s “A Happy Pocketful of Money“. It’s an amazing study of how our
lives in this Universe work, and discusses the principle of “wealth
consciousness” (something I was definitely struggling with prior to
reading the book.)

I was able to gain an understanding of the power of our thoughts and
beliefs on a quantum level and that made all the difference for me.

Another book which I read YEARS prior that opened my mind to all kinds
of possibilities was Richard Bach’s “Illusions“.  In my mind that’s
must-reading for every human.

A.H.C.: Bob, you work with people from all types of different
socioeconomic backgrounds, in fact, you work with clients from different
parts of the world…what are some of the common denominators that you
find are holding people back from what they want to have (and what they
can have) in life?

B.D.: For the most part, it all boils down to the limiting beliefs we
have. These beliefs come from all sources: parents, friends, society,
television…the list goes on and on. Different cultures have their own
sets of beliefs of course, but wherever there is a belief in limitation
that is passed down to us, it creates something called “resistance” in
us as humans. This resistance is real energy that has an impact on what
we can experience in our lives. The scientific aspect of this
conversation gets a little deep, but suffice it to say that if we want
to attract anything in our lives – be it money, a healthy body, or a
great relationship – our belief system has to be in alignment with
having that or we will always run into problems realizing our goals in
these areas. This is actually what most of my work is about.

A.H.C.: What are three key things that people should know if they want
to transition out of the daily grind of a corporate job and start a
business of their own?

B.D.: First, they have to get super clear on what they want to do and
WHY they want to do it…and that reason should go beyond just “making
money.” They need to identify how, through this business, they are going
to creatively express themselves and their passions…as this is the
best way to assure they bring their most powerful and focused energy
into their work.

Secondly, they need to start recognizing what limiting beliefs they
might have lurking under the surface as it pertains to success in
whatever business they take on. Some of these beliefs may be very
obvious such as “I don’t know anything about running a business”, but
other beliefs run a lot deeper and may take a different kind of “work”
to deal with. Again, that’s what I help people do every day. It’s
absolutely essential.

Finally, they’ve got to be committed to taking constant inspired action.
This doesn’t necessarily mean they have to “work hard” (though it may
look from the outside that they ARE working hard.) It means that they
learn to follow their own intuitive nudges in terms of what action to
take when. If you’ve never done this before, it can take some practice,
but learning to trust and follow your intuition is what makes any
endeavor fun and seemingly effortless.

A.H.C.: Where can our readers find out more about you, the work that
you do, and the coaching that you offer?

B.D.:  Virtually everything I know I put into the Wealth Beyond Reason
program, which can be found at, but we
also have smaller programs that address certain aspects of “living your
life by design” that can be found at – I
also post regular updates on Twitter, FaceBook, and YouTube.

A.H.C.: Is there anything else that you would like to add?

B.D.: Human beings have enormous creative potential. However, we’ve
learned far more limitation that possibility. However the limitation
we’ve learned to a great degree is an illusion that seems real because
of the impact those limiting beliefs on our ability to “attract” the
experiences in our lives that would make us feel more powerful. You can
do yourself no greater service that to take the time to decide what you
truly want your life to be, learn a bit about the energetic nature of
the Universe and your role in it, and commit to taking consistent
inspired action in the direction of your most inspired dreams.

A.H.C.: Bob, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today.

B.D.: Totally my pleasure.

Motivation – It’s An Internal Game

April 23rd, 2012

What are are the recurring thoughts that are occuring in the space between your ears?  Are your thoughts usually ones of doom and gloom?  We’ve all heard it said before, “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life”.  What if each day you started off your morning like little Jessica in this video…how different would your day be? 

Take the time to start each new day with better thoughts…the changes can be powerful.

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II

If You Smoke…STOP!

April 20th, 2012

We al know this…smoking is bad for us. You can’t be healthy and smoke.  I don’t care how many times a week you go to the gym, it doesn’t matter how much cardio you do, being able to swim like Michael Phelps won’t help you if you smoke.  But, even though we know it, there are still millions of people doing it every single day.  There are actualy some people who have a 2 to 3 pack a day habit.  That is 40 to 60 cigarettes a day! 

Let’s break that down.  One cigarette takes on average about 8 to 10 minutes to smoke (from lighting it, to smoking it down to the filter).  On the low end that is 320 minutes of smoking a day OR 5.3 hours!  On the high end you’re looking at 600 minutes of smoking OR 10 full hours dedicating your time to a deadly addiction. 

I’m not even mentioning the time it takes to leave your desk, walk outside of your office (smoking at your desk went out of fashion in the late 80’s – about the same time that Miami Vice went off the air (remember Don Johnson’s character, Sonny Crockett was always smoking at his desk) and find a place at least 25 feet away from the building (that is the law here in Washington State) and then light up. 

Even on just a common sense level we know that that this is insanity.  How can we be productive when we’re having to walk away from our work two or three (or more times) a day to go outside for a cigarette.  I’m not even talking about having to be stuck out in miserable weather conditions to “enjoy” something that is wreaking havoc on your body.  Think about this…the time that is spent smoking is making you less productive.  It’s probably even keeping you from reaching your goals.  Let’ say that it’s 4 times a day that you smoke outside of your office.  You smoke once before work, twice during work, and once after work…that’s about 1 hour a day that you gave away to cigarettes that you can’t get back. 

What if you took that extra hour to spend with your spouse or children?  What if you spent that time working towards fulfilling the dream you’ve always had of owning your own business?  How much closer would you be towards achieving your goals?

How much better off would you be financially if you stopped smoking?  In 2011 the cheapest place you could purchase a pack of cigarettes at was in West Virginia for $4.74 a pack.  The most expensive place was New York at $11.90 a pack!  That’s for 20 cigarettes that are literally robbing you of your health, time, and now money. 

Again, let’s crunch some numbers…starting on the low end…let’s say that you only smoke 1 pack a day and you lived in West Virginia in 2011 (remember, the prices are always going up) you would be paying $142.20 a month just for the privellege of smoking.  If you lived in New York City in 2011 and you smoked 3 packs a day (it can be stressful living in the big city) it would cost you $1,071.00 a month for the privellege to smoke!  That’s $12,852.00 a year!!! 

There is good news though.  First, it really isn’t your fault.  This “product” has millions upon millions of dollars behind it that goes into advertising that makes you want to smoke, some of the greatest research minds in the world have forumlated the product to make you addicted.  To learn more about “It’s Not Your Fault” click here.

The other good news is that there is help.  You can use “Guided Meditation” or “Clinical Hypnotherapy“.  If you live in Europe “click here” for a great resource.

I know that quitting smoking isn’t easy…but it can be done.  Do it for yourself, your family, and your finances.  I wish you great success in achieving your goal of being smoke free.

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II

Press Release

April 17th, 2012

I am excited to announce that our sister business, Abundant Fitness Center, Inc. has just won the award for, “Best Of Olympia” in the category of, “Health Clubs and Gyms”.  Below is the press release from today.


Press Release


Abundant Fitness Center Receives 2012 Best of Olympia Award

U.S. Commerce Association’s Award Plaque Honors the Achievement

NEW YORK, NY, April 17, 2012 — For the fifth consecutive year, Abundant Fitness Center has been selected for the 2012 Best of Olympia Award in the Health Clubs & Gyms category by the U.S. Commerce Association (USCA).

The USCA “Best of Local Business” Award Program recognizes outstanding local businesses throughout the country. Each year, the USCA identifies companies that they believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and community.

This is the first year that a business has qualified as a Five-Time Award Winner. Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2012 USCA Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the USCA and data provided by third parties.

About U.S. Commerce Association (USCA)

U.S. Commerce Association (USCA) is a New York City based organization funded by local businesses operating in towns, large and small, across America. The purpose of USCA is to promote local business through public relations, marketing and advertising.

The USCA was established to recognize the best of local businesses in their community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations, chambers of commerce and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to be an advocate for small and medium size businesses and business entrepreneurs across America.

SOURCE: U.S. Commerce Association

U.S. Commerce Association


Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II

web stats analysis

Walking Is For The Cool

April 15th, 2012

Okay, so maybe the title to this blog is an obscure reference to a song that only one of our loyal readers,  Michael Walker from Thorne Smith Blog might get…but it’s true, walking is a cool thing to do.  As I’m writing this thoughts of the late, great comedian Bill Hicks come into my mind and if he were alive I’m sure he would be laughing at this post and saying, “Walking, isn’t that pretty standard in a bi-ped?  Left foot, right foot, repeat.”  

Yes, walking is pretty standard in a bi-ped but you’d be amazed at how many people try to get out of doing it.  People will take an elevator (to go up one floor), they will take an escalator to avoid walking up stairs, and they will loop around the parking lot of the grocery store for five minutes (or longer)  just to park a couple of feet closer to the entrance.   

Actually, the grocery store is a great place to start getting in some walking.  It’s as simple as this…take the parking spot that is as far away from the entrance to the store as possible.  Do this wherever your errands take you to…the mall, hairstylist, the bank, etc.  Before you know you will be getting in more and more walking. 

At the grocery store one way that you can easily get in more walking is by returning your shopping cart.  Never just leave your shopping cart next to your car and drive off.  Take the extra two minutes (or less) to return your cart back into the store…you’ll be doing your body good.

Please Return Your Shopping Cart For Better Health

Yours In Health!
G.E. Moon II