Posts Tagged ‘vitamins’

Dr. Oz Stresses THE Importance Of Vitamin D

Saturday, April 7th, 2012

I think that it is great how Dr. Oz is bringing the importance of Vitamin D to the spotlight. I will admit…until very recently I didn’t really know anything about Dr. Oz or his work. All I knew is that he was someone that Oprah had promoted and endorsed (I also remember Oprah endorsing James Frey and his book, “A Million Little Pieces). For quite some time I was skeptical of Dr. Oz (even though I will freely admit that I knew nothing about him). Over the past few months more and more patients have been coming in to see my wife, Dr. Wendy Schauer, D.C., asking, “Did you see what Dr. Oz talked about yesterday on his show?” and “What do you think about what Dr. Oz had to say regarding…?”

My wife and I decided to set the TiVo up to record, “The Dr. Oz Show”.  We are very glad that we did.  Dr. Oz is kind of like the Mick Jagger of medicine.  The men and women in the audience are jumping up and down like they are at a rock concert the moment Dr. Oz walks out on stage. 

While I don’t agree 100% with everything that Dr. Oz says (and I completely respect and understand that he may not agree with some of my viewpoints 100% of the time) I will tell you that I am a fan of his, his work, and his television show.

I follow Kathy Ireland on Twitter (you can also follow her on Twitter @KathyIreland) and she said something that really reasonated with me, “If we only communicate with people who think as we think, how will we grow?’  So, even if I don’t agree with Dr. Oz 100% of the time let’s at least agree to be in communication and learn from each other. 

Make it a great day!

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II

I Don’t Like To Eat Vegetables

Sunday, May 1st, 2011

You would be AMAZED at how many people don’t like to eat their veggies.  I have people tell me all of the time, “I hate vetables”, “I can’t stand the taste of broccoli”, “Spinach disugts me” and on, and on, and on.  So, thankfully, for those people VitaSource has formulated their Supreme Greens product into a capsule form.  For people who are looking for the “quick fix” or “miracle pill” (because they are either too lazy to create a healthy and alkaline diet for themselves or they simply don’t like the taste of natural, organic, wholesome, and pure vegetables) there is an answer – Supreme Greens Capsules.

While I can encourge you all I want to eat clean sources of healthy and natural sources of vegetables…I know that not everyone is going to do so (for whatever reason they might have).  Thus the reason to have your “Salad On The Go” in a capsule form.

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II

The 4 Types Of Enzymes

Sunday, September 5th, 2010

Essentially there are four different kinds of enzymes, they are:

  • Food enzymes: These are found in raw foods.  There are sufficient enzymes in each raw food to digest it.  The level of active enzymes in a food is affected by many things – including:  food additives, radiation, long term storage, and any kind of food processing, especially heat.  Enzymes in foods are destroyed when they reach a heat over 116°F.


  • Digestive enzymes:  These help break food down into basic components so you can absorb the nutrients that are required to build cells, maintain organs and repair tissue.  These types of enzymes are present in the digestive juices your body produces, starting with the saliva in the mouth continuing down to and including the intestines.  These enzymes include protease, amylase, lipase, malt diastase, invertase, lactase, pectinase and alpha galactosidase.  Digestive enzymes break down different food groups.


  • Metabolic enzymes: These enzymes enhance and support metabolic processes. They are made by the body and drive chemical reactions within the cells.  On a cellular level,  metabolic enzymes direct body systems and are interconnected with every functional organ and biological system in the body.


  • Supplemental enzymes: These are cultured from plant enzymes. Plant enzymes are grown from food such as mushrooms, soy and wheat in a laboratory setting with specific actions rendered in units.  They are nonpathogenic Aspergillus Niger species and are free of mycelium contamination.  Removal of all aspergilli and fungi leave only the enzymatic action.  Supplemental enzymes are a concentrated form of enzymatic action.


Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II