Posts Tagged ‘dr. wendy schauer’

Flu Season 2013

Monday, January 28th, 2013
*DISCLAIMER*  The information presented in this blog post is not meant to be construed as having been evaluated or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.), the Federal Trade Commission (F.T.C.) or any other government entity in existence.  Nothing written in this post is meant to be intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.  If you are experiening a medical emergency please call 911.  As always, please check with your medical provider or health care advisor before starting any diet, supplementation, or exercise regimine.

FLU SEASON 2013 – Nation Hit Hard By Influenza – Major Flu Outbreak Grips Nation

Every year, just after Thanksgiving to just before Valentine’s Day we are constantly bombarded with the above mentioned headlines. Every year we see news reports about shortages of the flu vaccine and we are told that this will be the worst year yet for people being susceptible to Influenza.

Let’s take a moment to logically examine how these headlines are repeated (more…)

The 7 Steps To Amazing Health

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

We are excited to announce that Dr. Wendy Schauer, D.C., the author of, “The 7 Steps To Amazing Health” will be a featured guest today for Jim Edwards from 7 Day eBook and I Gotta Tell You.  Jim will be interviewing Wendy on her book and how she came to write it. 

As soon as the interview is available we will be sure to post it here.

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II


You Are Invited!

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010
Tomorrow, Thursday, December 9th from 4P.M. – 8P.M. we will be having an open house at our office to  introduce Ryan “Jake” Jacobs.  Jake is the R.K.C. certified trainer that works in our gym – Abundant Fitness Center.   2011 will be a big year for us and our businesses.  Again, we are very excited to introduce everyone to the resources we have put together to assist in your personal journey of health and wellness. 

We truly hope that you, your family members, and friends will be able to join us in our open house celebration.  We will have plenty of food and refreshements for all.  We will also be holding drawings for the following prizes:

One 1/2 hour massage

1 week of kettlebells classes

A signed copy of the book, “The 7 Steps To Amazing Health!”, by Dr. Wendy M. Schauer, D.C., R.K.C.

$50 coupon in your choice of vitamins and supplements from our Abundant Health Center, LLC.

1 hour of personal training

And more!

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II

Early Black Friday Special!

Saturday, November 20th, 2010

Starting today, Saturday, November 20th through the end of the year – Friday, December 31, 2010 – we will be offering, “The 7 Steps To Amazing Health!” as a FREE bonus gift to any customer (on-line or in person) who purchases a minimum of $100.00 in product from Abundant Health Center, LLC.  The first 25 customers will receive the physical copy (spiral bound) of the book –—Spiral-Bound-46 – all other customers will receive the E-Book version –—Ebook-45.

We truly believe that you will enjoy and get much benefit from, “The 7 Steps To Amazing Health!” by, Dr. Wendy M. Schauer, D.C., R.K.C.  This gift is our way to thank you for your continued support of our business this past year.  From all of us at Abundant Health Center we would like to wish you and your family the very best of wishes for health, success, and happiness this holiday season.

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II

Tired Of Being Tired?

Friday, September 3rd, 2010

Are you tired of being tired?

Fatigue, depression, anxiety, easy to irritate, dizziness, loss of sleep, fuzzy thinking, increased PMS symptoms, allergies, light headed when going from sitting to standing, difficulty getting up in the morning…

Does this describe you?  If so, you could be suffering from adrenal fatigue/exhaustion.  Our crazy, go-go-go lifestyles are causing our hormonal systems to get out of balance and for many of us it is the starting cause of many serious health problems.

We are pleased to announce that on Saturday, Septemenber 18th that Dr. Wendy Schauer, D.C., R.K.C.,  will be covering the causes of adrenal fatigue and what you can do to help yourself.  We will also be having as a special guest, Brook Elliott, nutritional counselor, who will give you quick and  healthy food ideas along with samples of the food


WHEN:  September 18th at 10:00 am until 1:00 pm

COST:    $30.00 per person (includes handouts and food samples)

RSVP:  To the front desk or call 360-705-1116 to reserve your spot.