Plant VS Animal Enzymes


What are the pros and cons of plant and animal enzymes?

Animal enzymes, or pancreatic enzymes, are from the pancreas of a slaughter house animal.  Ask yourself “What was the condition of this animal and its organs before it was slaughtered?”  How does anyone know?

Don’t forget the importance of pH balance.  Pancreatin only works at 8.0 pH to be of use in the system.  Plant enzymes have the capability to work between 4 and 9 pH.  They are blended as neutral, alkaline and acidic in our formulations to make sure enzyme activity can occur in a wide range of circumstances.  This means they work throughout the entire digestive tract and in the blood.

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II

13 Responses to “Plant VS Animal Enzymes”

  1. Rae & Mark says:

    The importance of pH balance is something I’m only vaguely aware of, so it would be great to learn more about this subject too.


    Rae & Mark
    Pergola Swing Set

  2. Rob Northrup says:

    Very interesting to learn the difference between plant and animal enzymes.

    Seize the Day,
    Survival Rob

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  3. Alam Ghafoor says:

    Plant enzymes seem to be the better choice.

  4. Alam Ghafoor says:

    Plant enzymes seem to be the far better choice.

  5. In one of my former jobs I had several slaughter houses for clients and, while I never had the experience of going inside of one (thank God!) I did witness the animals heading into the chute on several occasions. I can attest that their mental state is not one of calm and peace once they come to the realization that passing through that curtain at the entrance is not a good idea.

    Plant enzymes would seem to be the better choice.


  6. Don Hill says:

    Is there any benefit of using animal enzymes? Otherwise it looks like plant enzymes for me.


  7. Without any professional knowledge of what you’re talking about…taking an enzyme from a dead animal does not sound like the way to go. Plant enzymes make much more sense.
    Thanks for the info!
    Jen Battaglino

  8. Is there some fundemental difference between plant and animal enzyemes other than the source? Are there some enzymes common to both plants and animals?
    Leadership is a Choice

  9. Dennis Perry says:

    It would seem that plant enzymes would be better due to their wider range of pH effectiveness but I would have thought otherwise since we are, after all, animals ourselves.

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  10. Bryan says:

    Learn something new everytime I’m here

  11. Hi Gary,

    So, since we often really don’t know the source of animal enzymes, sort of in a general way, plant enzymes are a better idea? Generally safer? Do animal enzymes provide any unique benefit which you cannot get from plant enzymes? I think it’s Vitamin K which if I recall correctly is best derived from eggs? Anything like that with enzymes?

    Happy Dating and Relationships,

    April Braswell
    Baby Boomer Dating Expert

  12. I always assumed that most of the enzymes packaged and sold were from plants — had no idea about this “harvesting” of enzymes from animals about to be slaughtered. Thanks for this insight. Your series on enzymes and enzyme supplementation is fascinating.

    Karen Van Ness

  13. Thank you for distinguishing the difference between plant enzymes and animal enzymes.

    Like most of the comments here, I’m thinking the best route to go would be plant enzymes.

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